425DX News #1712から抜粋
TY - Gerard F5NVF, Luc F5RAV and Abdel M0NPT (7X2TT) will be active as
TY5C from Cotonou, Benin between 2 and 29 March. They will operate
CW, SSB and FT8 on various bands (6 metres included), and will also
be QRV via satellite (QO-100). QSL direct to F5RAV, or via LoTW.
DX Worldから抜粋
[QRV] – Just to clarify that F5NVF is operating solo as TY5C from March 3 to 14 (SSB & CW), then 7X2TT & F5RAV will join him from March 14 to 29. Up to 4 stations running after the 14th, including FT8 and SATs.
[MARCH 15] – The complete team is now in Benin and activity also begins on SSB. Livestream is here – currently 22K QSOs in the log.
425DX News #1712から抜粋
TY - Gerard F5NVF, Luc F5RAV and Abdel M0NPT (7X2TT) will be active as
TY5C from Cotonou, Benin between 2 and 29 March. They will operate
CW, SSB and FT8 on various bands (6 metres included), and will also
be QRV via satellite (QO-100). QSL direct to F5RAV, or via LoTW.
DX Worldから抜粋
[QRV] – Just to clarify that F5NVF is operating solo as TY5C from March 3 to 14 (SSB & CW), then 7X2TT & F5RAV will join him from March 14 to 29. Up to 4 stations running after the 14th, including FT8 and SATs.
[MARCH 15] – The complete team is now in Benin and activity also begins on SSB. Livestream is here – currently 22K QSOs in the log.