FT8WWのサイト http://crozet2022.r-e-f.org/news.html から抜粋

The installation on the base is done in a sustained way, a big thank you to the logistics team of the base for their precious help, and according to a capricious weather which often upsets the provisional schedule.

In order to close some controversies, radio traffic is only, for the moment, on 20 and 30 meters (14 and 10 MHz) depending on the propagation, which for the moment only allows traffic in FT8 with MSHV and CW. Any further apparitions of FT8WW on other modes or bands, at this time, are the product of pirate “ham radios” and should be ignored.
The only way to check if you have contacted Thierry is there. https://clublog.org/logsearch/ft8ww
Not in the log? Search on the right frequencies and modes, say thanks to the "pirate" or intentional jamming.
(今のところ交信は20m, 30mのみ。伝搬状況によるがFT8とCWのみ。他のモードやバンドでのQSOはパイレーツなので無視するように。)
(交信できたかどうかを確認する唯一の方法は clublog)
(Not in the logだったら?それはパイレーツかジャミングが原因)

Also, please take into consideration that the pile-ups are gigantic with their lots of indiscipline and that the following basic rules of traffic, which characterize our seriousness and our reputation must be respected:
  • Be patient.
  • Listen, listen, listen or watch, watch, watch (for FT8)!
  • When the DX is in QSO with another OM, never transmit.
  • When called by the DX, be extremely brief.
  • Never repeat the call sign of the DX station, he knows very well that he is the one you are calling!
  • Read carefully the manual of WSJT-X or other FT8 traffic software!


  • 唯一の信頼できる情報源と交信結果の確認は次のサイト
    As a reminder, the
    only reliable source of information is and will remain the website 
    http://crozet2022.r-e-f.org and for the confirmation of your QSOs, Club Log at https://clublog.org/logsearch/ft8ww