アフリカ ベニンのDXペディションTY0RUも残りあと数日。
アクティビティーもSSB, CWよりもFT8での運用が多いようだ。
10月22日付 425DX News #1642から抜粋
PERIOD(day/month) CALL 425DX #
till 26/10 TY0RU: Benin 1633
till 26/10 V47FWX: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1642
till 29/11 7Q6M: Malawi 1639
till 31/10 PJ4TB: Bonaire (SA-006) 1641
till 31/10 VP8TAA: Falkland Islands (SA-002) 1630
till 01/11 VP5/NN2T: Caicos Islands (NA-002) 1642
till 02/11 FG4KH: Guadeloupe (NA-102) 1640
till 02/11 VP5DX: North Caicos (NA-002) 1641
till 05/11 J68HZ: St. Lucia (NA-108) 1642
till 16/11 VQ9SC: Diego Garcia (AF-006), Chagos Islands 1641
till 15/12 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1635
till 18/12 A722FWC, A71FIFA, A72FIFA: special callsigns 1641
till 18/12 A73FIFA, A74FIFA, A75FIFA: special callsigns 1641
till 18/12 A76FIFA, A77FIFA, A78FIFA: special callsigns 1641
till December FT4XW: Kerguelen Islands (AF-048) 1619
till December VK0WN: Casey Research Station, Antarctica 1618
till June 2023 J28HJ: Djibouti 1628
till 01/04 2024 FH4VVK: Petite-Terre, Mayotte (AF-027) 1632
23/10-01/11 V47T: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1639
23/10-10/12 PJ7PL: Sint Maarten (NA-105) 1641
24/10-31/10 TO5M: St. Martin (NA-105) 1642
24/10-31/10 VP5Z: Providenciales (NA-002) 1641
25/10-27/10 VK9QO: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003) 1642
25/10-01/11 PJ5/W5JON: Sint Eustatius (NA-145) 1641
25/10-01/11 V48DM: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1639
25/10-02/11 CT9/DF7EE and CT9/DD8ZX: Madeira Island (AF-014) 1641
25/10-02/11 VP2MDM: Montserrat (NA-103) 1641
25/10-10/11 P29RO: Loloata Island (OC-240) 1635
26/10-03/11 JD1BQP: Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara 1641
26/10-03/11 VK9CM and VK9C: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003) 1637
27/10-31/10 K6VHF/HR9: Roatan Island (NA-057) 1641
27/10-31/10 Z68XX: Kosovo 1642
28/10-31/10 VK9QO: Christmas Island (OC-002) 1642
28/10-11/11 5V7RU: Togo 1640
29/10-07/11 J28MD: Djibouti 1616
29/10-14/11 FJ/SP9FIH and FJ/SP9FUY: St. Barthelemy (NA-146) 1642
October 3C3CA : Bioko Island (AF-010), Equatorial Guinea 1639
October 9J2SEU: Zambia 1638
October VP8DLB: Falkland Islands (SA-002) 1639
Oct-Dec FT4YM: Antarctica 1641
FH - Marek, FH4VVK has established the Radio Club of the Foreign Legion
Detachment in Mayotte (DLEM), callsign FH4KS. The newly born club
station is expected to be active on the HF bands on the first and
third Friday of the month, as well as during SSB contests.
FJ - Janusz, SP9FIH and Lech, SP9FUY will be active as FJ/SP9FIH and
FJ/SP9FUY, respectively, from St. Barthelemy (NA-146) from 29 Octo-
ber to 14 November (http://fj.dxpeditions.org). They will be QRV on
30, 20, 15 and 12 metres. FJ/SP9FIH will be active during the CQ WW
DX SSB Contest on 15 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
be active as TO5M from St. Martin (NA-105) on 24-31 October, in-
cluding an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via LoTW only.
J6 - Bill, K9HZ has been back on St. Lucia (NA-108) since 15 October,
and will be active again as J68HZ until 5 November. This will
include a multi-operator entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via
LoTW (preferred), eQSL or direct only to K9HZ; the QSOs will be
also uploaded to Club Log. [TNX The Daily DX]
T33 - Team T33T will be active from Banaba Island (OC-018) for 10-12 days
supposedly during the first half of November. Plans are to operate
CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H) on 160-6 metres with up to 7 stations "on air
permanently". QSL via Club Log's OQRS. Updates are expected to be
posted to https://www.facebook.com/rebeldxgroup.
V4 - Gary, G0FWX will be active again as V47FWX from St. Kitts (NA-104)
on 19-26 October. He will operate SSB only as time allows. QSL via
VK9 - Mikio, JA3GEP will be active as VK9QO from both Cocos (Keeling) on
25-27 October, and Christmas Island on 28-31 October. This will be
a QO-100 satellite operation. QSLs via LoTW and eQSL, or direct to
JA3GEP. See https://www.jamsat.or.jp/?p=2001 for more information.
[TNX The Daily DX]
VP5 - Rich, NN2T will operate FT8 as VP5/NN2T from the Caicos Islands
(NA-002) from 20 October to 1 November. QSL via LoTW (preferred),
or direct to home call; logsearch on Club Log.
Z6 - Rene, DL2JRM will be active again as Z68XX from Gjilan, Kosovo on
27-31 October, including an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL
via DL2JRM, direct or bureau; logsearch on Club Log.
CY0S --- > The 2023 Sable Island CY0S DXpedition team has announced that "a
well known DXer and DXpeditioner", who wishes to remain anonymous, has
offered "to match any donations to the CY0S DXpedition from this point
forward until arrival on the island on 20 March 2023. For example, if a con-
tributor donates 100 USD to the DXpedition, this 100 USD will then be
matched for a total of 200 USD".
Meanwhile, the team is working on the antennas and is "continuing to manage
and fine tune gear based on the very strict weight limitations for the DXpe-
dition. The team is limited to a total of 2965 lbs [1345 kg], which includes
the weight of the operators, radio gear, antennas, antenna mast, long mast
stakes for the loose sand, coaxial cables, food and personal gear. Every
pound of weight counts and this is a huge challenge".
INDEXA NEWSLETTER ---> The Fall 2022 issue (#137) of the International DX
Association's Newsletter is now available for download on the INDEXA website
(https://indexa.org/newsletters.html). Highlights include: "A Message from
INDEXA President Bob Schenck, N2OO"; "Contest Participation from 5T in DXpe-
dition Style" by Johannes Hafkenscheid, (PA5X/5T5PA); "ZL7/K5WE DXpedition
to Chatham Island" (September 2022) by Jeff Martin, K5WE; "VU4W - Andaman
Islands" (April-May 2002) by Yuris Petersons, YL2GM; a wrap-up of the 69th
W9DXCC Convention (September 2022), and news of the 3Y0J Bouvet and CY0S
Sable DXpeditions.
アクティビティーもSSB, CWよりもFT8での運用が多いようだ。
10月22日付 425DX News #1642から抜粋
PERIOD(day/month) CALL 425DX #
till 26/10 TY0RU: Benin 1633
till 26/10 V47FWX: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1642
till 29/11 7Q6M: Malawi 1639
till 31/10 PJ4TB: Bonaire (SA-006) 1641
till 31/10 VP8TAA: Falkland Islands (SA-002) 1630
till 01/11 VP5/NN2T: Caicos Islands (NA-002) 1642
till 02/11 FG4KH: Guadeloupe (NA-102) 1640
till 02/11 VP5DX: North Caicos (NA-002) 1641
till 05/11 J68HZ: St. Lucia (NA-108) 1642
till 16/11 VQ9SC: Diego Garcia (AF-006), Chagos Islands 1641
till 15/12 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1635
till 18/12 A722FWC, A71FIFA, A72FIFA: special callsigns 1641
till 18/12 A73FIFA, A74FIFA, A75FIFA: special callsigns 1641
till 18/12 A76FIFA, A77FIFA, A78FIFA: special callsigns 1641
till December FT4XW: Kerguelen Islands (AF-048) 1619
till December VK0WN: Casey Research Station, Antarctica 1618
till June 2023 J28HJ: Djibouti 1628
till 01/04 2024 FH4VVK: Petite-Terre, Mayotte (AF-027) 1632
23/10-01/11 V47T: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1639
23/10-10/12 PJ7PL: Sint Maarten (NA-105) 1641
24/10-31/10 TO5M: St. Martin (NA-105) 1642
24/10-31/10 VP5Z: Providenciales (NA-002) 1641
25/10-27/10 VK9QO: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003) 1642
25/10-01/11 PJ5/W5JON: Sint Eustatius (NA-145) 1641
25/10-01/11 V48DM: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1639
25/10-02/11 CT9/DF7EE and CT9/DD8ZX: Madeira Island (AF-014) 1641
25/10-02/11 VP2MDM: Montserrat (NA-103) 1641
25/10-10/11 P29RO: Loloata Island (OC-240) 1635
26/10-03/11 JD1BQP: Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara 1641
26/10-03/11 VK9CM and VK9C: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003) 1637
27/10-31/10 K6VHF/HR9: Roatan Island (NA-057) 1641
27/10-31/10 Z68XX: Kosovo 1642
28/10-31/10 VK9QO: Christmas Island (OC-002) 1642
28/10-11/11 5V7RU: Togo 1640
29/10-07/11 J28MD: Djibouti 1616
29/10-14/11 FJ/SP9FIH and FJ/SP9FUY: St. Barthelemy (NA-146) 1642
October 3C3CA : Bioko Island (AF-010), Equatorial Guinea 1639
October 9J2SEU: Zambia 1638
October VP8DLB: Falkland Islands (SA-002) 1639
Oct-Dec FT4YM: Antarctica 1641
FH - Marek, FH4VVK has established the Radio Club of the Foreign Legion
Detachment in Mayotte (DLEM), callsign FH4KS. The newly born club
station is expected to be active on the HF bands on the first and
third Friday of the month, as well as during SSB contests.
FJ - Janusz, SP9FIH and Lech, SP9FUY will be active as FJ/SP9FIH and
FJ/SP9FUY, respectively, from St. Barthelemy (NA-146) from 29 Octo-
ber to 14 November (http://fj.dxpeditions.org). They will be QRV on
30, 20, 15 and 12 metres. FJ/SP9FIH will be active during the CQ WW
DX SSB Contest on 15 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
be active as TO5M from St. Martin (NA-105) on 24-31 October, in-
cluding an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via LoTW only.
J6 - Bill, K9HZ has been back on St. Lucia (NA-108) since 15 October,
and will be active again as J68HZ until 5 November. This will
include a multi-operator entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via
LoTW (preferred), eQSL or direct only to K9HZ; the QSOs will be
also uploaded to Club Log. [TNX The Daily DX]
T33 - Team T33T will be active from Banaba Island (OC-018) for 10-12 days
supposedly during the first half of November. Plans are to operate
CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H) on 160-6 metres with up to 7 stations "on air
permanently". QSL via Club Log's OQRS. Updates are expected to be
posted to https://www.facebook.com/rebeldxgroup.
V4 - Gary, G0FWX will be active again as V47FWX from St. Kitts (NA-104)
on 19-26 October. He will operate SSB only as time allows. QSL via
VK9 - Mikio, JA3GEP will be active as VK9QO from both Cocos (Keeling) on
25-27 October, and Christmas Island on 28-31 October. This will be
a QO-100 satellite operation. QSLs via LoTW and eQSL, or direct to
JA3GEP. See https://www.jamsat.or.jp/?p=2001 for more information.
[TNX The Daily DX]
VP5 - Rich, NN2T will operate FT8 as VP5/NN2T from the Caicos Islands
(NA-002) from 20 October to 1 November. QSL via LoTW (preferred),
or direct to home call; logsearch on Club Log.
Z6 - Rene, DL2JRM will be active again as Z68XX from Gjilan, Kosovo on
27-31 October, including an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL
via DL2JRM, direct or bureau; logsearch on Club Log.
CY0S --- > The 2023 Sable Island CY0S DXpedition team has announced that "a
well known DXer and DXpeditioner", who wishes to remain anonymous, has
offered "to match any donations to the CY0S DXpedition from this point
forward until arrival on the island on 20 March 2023. For example, if a con-
tributor donates 100 USD to the DXpedition, this 100 USD will then be
matched for a total of 200 USD".
Meanwhile, the team is working on the antennas and is "continuing to manage
and fine tune gear based on the very strict weight limitations for the DXpe-
dition. The team is limited to a total of 2965 lbs [1345 kg], which includes
the weight of the operators, radio gear, antennas, antenna mast, long mast
stakes for the loose sand, coaxial cables, food and personal gear. Every
pound of weight counts and this is a huge challenge".
INDEXA NEWSLETTER ---> The Fall 2022 issue (#137) of the International DX
Association's Newsletter is now available for download on the INDEXA website
(https://indexa.org/newsletters.html). Highlights include: "A Message from
INDEXA President Bob Schenck, N2OO"; "Contest Participation from 5T in DXpe-
dition Style" by Johannes Hafkenscheid, (PA5X/5T5PA); "ZL7/K5WE DXpedition
to Chatham Island" (September 2022) by Jeff Martin, K5WE; "VU4W - Andaman
Islands" (April-May 2002) by Yuris Petersons, YL2GM; a wrap-up of the 69th
W9DXCC Convention (September 2022), and news of the 3Y0J Bouvet and CY0S
Sable DXpeditions.