5月14日付 425DX News #1619から抜粋
(15日にはアンテナを片付けて、16日には飛行機で出発・・・DX Worldから)
till 14/05 4X0RMN: special event station
till 14/05 C83YT: Mozambique
till 14/05 EX/R5AF and EX/R4FCN: Kyrgyzstan
till 15/05 HB0/PG5M: Liechtenstein
till 15/05 OA7/DD5ZZ: Peru
till 16/05 VU4W: Andaman Islands
till 17/05 A91WTIS: special callsign
till 17/05 HZ1WTIS: special callsign
till 17/05 T88HF, T88JH, T88SG: Koror (OC-009), Palau
till 18/05 V4/K2KA: St. Kitts (NA-104)
till 19/05 9N7WE and 9N7CI: Nepal
till 20/05 D44RO: Sao Tiago (AF-005), Cape Verde
till 24/05 FM/DL7VOG: Martinique (NA-107)
till 26/05 A25VR: Botswana
till 31/05 3A5M: special callsign
till 31/05 HK3JCL: Colombia
till 03/06 4U1ITU: ITU HQ
till 09/06 OH0100AX: special callsign (Aland Islands)
till 11/06 FK/F5NHJ: New Caledonia (OC-032)
till 15/06 V5/ZS2PS: Namibia
till 16/06 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)
till 30/06 9H6CAP: special callsign
till June 9J2MYT: Zambia
till 27/07 5B4AQC: Cyprus
till 05/10 JX7QY and JX/LB4MI: Jan Mayen (EU-022)
till December FT4XW: Kerguelen Islands (AF-048)
till December VK0WN: Casey Research Station, Antarctica
14/05-17/05 T42ITU: special callsign
15/05-31/07 TR8CR: Gabon
18/05-23/05 HH18MAI: special callsign
21/05-02/06 3B8/DF3XY: from Mauritius Island (AF-049)
21/05-04/06 FM/OQ3R and TO3F: Martinique (NA-107)
21/05-27/05 OH0/OG5O and OH0/OH2HOD: Aland Islands (EU-002)
21/05-30/05 MM/W7YAQ: Shetland Islands (EU-012)
23/05-10/06 C5C: The Gambia
23/05-30/05 Z68QQ: Kosovo
24/05-31/05 P44W: Aruba (SA-036)
24/05-31/05 V48A: St. Kitts (NA-104)
27/05-10/06 TO2AS: Guadeloupe (NA-102)
May 3D2RRR: Rotuma (OC-060)
May PZ5JT: Suriname
3B8 - Fabian, DF3XY will be active holiday style as 3B8/DF3XY from Mauri-
tius (AF-049) from 21 May to 2 June. He will operate mainly FT8 on
40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
3D2/R - 3Z9DX (3D2USU), SP5ES (3D2EZ), SP5MXZ (3D2SP) and a fourth operator
TBA expect to be active as 3D2RRR from Rotuma (OC-060) in the near
future. Two of them will concentrate on CW, one on SSB, and one on
FT8 (Fox & Hound) and FT4. "Don't be surprised if you see our two
signals on the same band but different frequencies (for example
14.074 and 14.090, or 18.100 and 18.095, and so on). One operator
will operate on 3-4 stations/laptops at the same time. There is no
robot involved". See qrz.com for their planned frequencies. QSL via
Club Log's OQRS.
C5 - Gerard F5NVF, Luc F5RAV and Abdel M0NPT will be QRV again as C5C
from Kololi, The Gambia from 23 May to 10 June. They will be on 80-
6 metres CW, SSB, FT8, FT4 and the QO-100 satellite. They also plan
to be active again as C5B from the Bijol Islands (AF-060): it will
be a one day operation (date TBA), indicatively from 8 to 16 UTC.
QSLs via LoTW, eQSL, or direct to F5RAV.
CY0 - The DXpedition to Sable Island (https://cy0dxpedition.net/) has
received "formal written permission", and is expected to take place
sometime in October or November (exact dates to be determined in
the next coming weeks). The team has applied for the call CY0S.
Nine operators (K4UEE, K4ZLE, K5YY, N2IEN, N2TU, W0GJ, W4DKS,
WA4DAN and WW2DX) plan to be QRV on 160-10 metres for 8-9 days.
More details will be released in due course.
D4 - Freddy, F5IRO will be active as D44RO from Sao Tiago (AF-005), Cape
Verde on 8-20 May. In his spare time, mostly during his evening
hours, he operates QRP on 40, 30 and 20 metres CW, FT8 and FT4. QSL
via home call (bureau preferred) and LoTW.
FG - Reiner, DL2AAZ will be active holiday style as TO2AS from Basse-
Terre (NA-102), Guadeloupe from 27 May to 10 June. He will operate
CW and SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
FM - Gerd, DL7VOG will be active holiday style as FM/DL7VOG from Marti-
nique (NA-107) on 11-24 May. Look for him on 40, 20 and 10 metres
CW, FT8 and some RTTY on request. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW,
or via DL7VOG (bureau preferred).
FM - Marius, ON4RU will be active as FM/OQ3R from Martinique (NA-107)
from 21 May to 4 June. He will operate CW only on 160-10m, and will
participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as TO3F. QSLs direct to
FT/X - Arthur Perrin, FT4XW - an electronic engineer currently stationed
at Port-aux-Francais, Kerguelen Islands, until December [425DXN
1597] - "has found a location for his equipment and he still has to
find a place to install his inverted V". [TNX Les Nouvelles DX].
HH - Members of the Radio Club d'Haiti will be active as HH18MAI on 18-
23 May. The special callsign is for Flag Day, which commemorates
the creation of the flag of Haiti (18 May 1803). QSL via Club Log's
OQRS, or via N2OO.
OH0 - Keijo, OG5O (aka OH2OT and OG55W) and Raili, OH2HOD will be active
as OH0/OG5O and OH0/OH2HOD from Lemland (grid square KO09cx), Aland
Islands (EU-002) on 21-27 May. They will operate CW and digital
modes on various bands, 60 and 6 metres included. QSLs via LoTW and
Club Log's OQRS. [TNX NG3K]
P4 - John, W2GD will be active as P44W from Aruba (SA-036) on 24-31
May. Main activity will be during the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (28-29
May), with some spare time operations on 30, 17 and 12m outside the
contest. QSL via LoTW, or direct to N2MM. [TNX NG3K]
T8 - T88HF, T88JH and T88SG will be active on various bands and modes
from the Palau Radio Club (https://palau-radio-club.jimdofree.com/)
on Koror Island (OC-009) on 13-17 May. QSL T88HF via JF1GHX
(direct), LoTW and eQSL; QSL T88JH via JR3QFB, LoTW, Club Log's
OQRS and eQSL; QSL T88SG via JK1SZX.
V4 - Bob, WX4G will be active again as V48A from St. Kitts (NA-104) on
24-31 May. He will operate mainly CW, FT8 and FT4, and will take
Part in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS,
eQSL, or WX4G.
Z6 - Bodo, DF8DX will be active as Z68QQ from Gjilan, Kosovo on 23-30
May. He will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as Z66BCC
along with DL2JRM. QSL Z68QQ via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or via
(15日にはアンテナを片付けて、16日には飛行機で出発・・・DX Worldから)
till 14/05 4X0RMN: special event station
till 14/05 C83YT: Mozambique
till 14/05 EX/R5AF and EX/R4FCN: Kyrgyzstan
till 15/05 HB0/PG5M: Liechtenstein
till 15/05 OA7/DD5ZZ: Peru
till 16/05 VU4W: Andaman Islands
till 17/05 A91WTIS: special callsign
till 17/05 HZ1WTIS: special callsign
till 17/05 T88HF, T88JH, T88SG: Koror (OC-009), Palau
till 18/05 V4/K2KA: St. Kitts (NA-104)
till 19/05 9N7WE and 9N7CI: Nepal
till 20/05 D44RO: Sao Tiago (AF-005), Cape Verde
till 24/05 FM/DL7VOG: Martinique (NA-107)
till 26/05 A25VR: Botswana
till 31/05 3A5M: special callsign
till 31/05 HK3JCL: Colombia
till 03/06 4U1ITU: ITU HQ
till 09/06 OH0100AX: special callsign (Aland Islands)
till 11/06 FK/F5NHJ: New Caledonia (OC-032)
till 15/06 V5/ZS2PS: Namibia
till 16/06 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)
till 30/06 9H6CAP: special callsign
till June 9J2MYT: Zambia
till 27/07 5B4AQC: Cyprus
till 05/10 JX7QY and JX/LB4MI: Jan Mayen (EU-022)
till December FT4XW: Kerguelen Islands (AF-048)
till December VK0WN: Casey Research Station, Antarctica
14/05-17/05 T42ITU: special callsign
15/05-31/07 TR8CR: Gabon
18/05-23/05 HH18MAI: special callsign
21/05-02/06 3B8/DF3XY: from Mauritius Island (AF-049)
21/05-04/06 FM/OQ3R and TO3F: Martinique (NA-107)
21/05-27/05 OH0/OG5O and OH0/OH2HOD: Aland Islands (EU-002)
21/05-30/05 MM/W7YAQ: Shetland Islands (EU-012)
23/05-10/06 C5C: The Gambia
23/05-30/05 Z68QQ: Kosovo
24/05-31/05 P44W: Aruba (SA-036)
24/05-31/05 V48A: St. Kitts (NA-104)
27/05-10/06 TO2AS: Guadeloupe (NA-102)
May 3D2RRR: Rotuma (OC-060)
May PZ5JT: Suriname
3B8 - Fabian, DF3XY will be active holiday style as 3B8/DF3XY from Mauri-
tius (AF-049) from 21 May to 2 June. He will operate mainly FT8 on
40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
3D2/R - 3Z9DX (3D2USU), SP5ES (3D2EZ), SP5MXZ (3D2SP) and a fourth operator
TBA expect to be active as 3D2RRR from Rotuma (OC-060) in the near
future. Two of them will concentrate on CW, one on SSB, and one on
FT8 (Fox & Hound) and FT4. "Don't be surprised if you see our two
signals on the same band but different frequencies (for example
14.074 and 14.090, or 18.100 and 18.095, and so on). One operator
will operate on 3-4 stations/laptops at the same time. There is no
robot involved". See qrz.com for their planned frequencies. QSL via
Club Log's OQRS.
C5 - Gerard F5NVF, Luc F5RAV and Abdel M0NPT will be QRV again as C5C
from Kololi, The Gambia from 23 May to 10 June. They will be on 80-
6 metres CW, SSB, FT8, FT4 and the QO-100 satellite. They also plan
to be active again as C5B from the Bijol Islands (AF-060): it will
be a one day operation (date TBA), indicatively from 8 to 16 UTC.
QSLs via LoTW, eQSL, or direct to F5RAV.
CY0 - The DXpedition to Sable Island (https://cy0dxpedition.net/) has
received "formal written permission", and is expected to take place
sometime in October or November (exact dates to be determined in
the next coming weeks). The team has applied for the call CY0S.
Nine operators (K4UEE, K4ZLE, K5YY, N2IEN, N2TU, W0GJ, W4DKS,
WA4DAN and WW2DX) plan to be QRV on 160-10 metres for 8-9 days.
More details will be released in due course.
D4 - Freddy, F5IRO will be active as D44RO from Sao Tiago (AF-005), Cape
Verde on 8-20 May. In his spare time, mostly during his evening
hours, he operates QRP on 40, 30 and 20 metres CW, FT8 and FT4. QSL
via home call (bureau preferred) and LoTW.
FG - Reiner, DL2AAZ will be active holiday style as TO2AS from Basse-
Terre (NA-102), Guadeloupe from 27 May to 10 June. He will operate
CW and SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
FM - Gerd, DL7VOG will be active holiday style as FM/DL7VOG from Marti-
nique (NA-107) on 11-24 May. Look for him on 40, 20 and 10 metres
CW, FT8 and some RTTY on request. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW,
or via DL7VOG (bureau preferred).
FM - Marius, ON4RU will be active as FM/OQ3R from Martinique (NA-107)
from 21 May to 4 June. He will operate CW only on 160-10m, and will
participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as TO3F. QSLs direct to
FT/X - Arthur Perrin, FT4XW - an electronic engineer currently stationed
at Port-aux-Francais, Kerguelen Islands, until December [425DXN
1597] - "has found a location for his equipment and he still has to
find a place to install his inverted V". [TNX Les Nouvelles DX].
HH - Members of the Radio Club d'Haiti will be active as HH18MAI on 18-
23 May. The special callsign is for Flag Day, which commemorates
the creation of the flag of Haiti (18 May 1803). QSL via Club Log's
OQRS, or via N2OO.
OH0 - Keijo, OG5O (aka OH2OT and OG55W) and Raili, OH2HOD will be active
as OH0/OG5O and OH0/OH2HOD from Lemland (grid square KO09cx), Aland
Islands (EU-002) on 21-27 May. They will operate CW and digital
modes on various bands, 60 and 6 metres included. QSLs via LoTW and
Club Log's OQRS. [TNX NG3K]
P4 - John, W2GD will be active as P44W from Aruba (SA-036) on 24-31
May. Main activity will be during the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (28-29
May), with some spare time operations on 30, 17 and 12m outside the
contest. QSL via LoTW, or direct to N2MM. [TNX NG3K]
T8 - T88HF, T88JH and T88SG will be active on various bands and modes
from the Palau Radio Club (https://palau-radio-club.jimdofree.com/)
on Koror Island (OC-009) on 13-17 May. QSL T88HF via JF1GHX
(direct), LoTW and eQSL; QSL T88JH via JR3QFB, LoTW, Club Log's
OQRS and eQSL; QSL T88SG via JK1SZX.
V4 - Bob, WX4G will be active again as V48A from St. Kitts (NA-104) on
24-31 May. He will operate mainly CW, FT8 and FT4, and will take
Part in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS,
eQSL, or WX4G.
Z6 - Bodo, DF8DX will be active as Z68QQ from Gjilan, Kosovo on 23-30
May. He will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as Z66BCC
along with DL2JRM. QSL Z68QQ via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or via