The Japanese government has declared a quasi-emergency in three prefectures where the coronavirus is quickly spreading. (まん延防止等措置)

The target restrictions will be in place from Sunday through the end of this month.

The southernwestern Japanese prefecture of Okinawa has decided on measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus, including shortened business hours of eateries.

People in the prefecture will be asked to refrain from visiting eateries that do not comply with the request.  They will also be asked to shun crowded and other high-risk areas and to avoid non-essential cross-prefectural travels.(不要不急の県外への移動を避ける)

Students at prefectural schools will attend classes on alternate days.  Extracurricular activities will, in priciple, be suspended.(課外活動(部活動)は原則禁止)

Yamaguchi Prefecture has decided to apply intensive anti-coronavirus measures to the city of Iwakuni, which hosts a US military base, and the neighboring town of Waki.(米軍基地のある岩国市)

Hiroshima Prefecture has decided to implement targeted coronavirus restrictions in 13 cities and towns.
...the city of Hiroshima, Kure, Takehara, MIhara, Onomichi, Fukuyama, Otake, Higashihiroshima, Hatsukaichi and Etajima.  ...the town of Fuchu, Kaita and Saka.