12月18日付 425DX News #1598から抜粋
SV2RSG/A ---> Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG/A was active from 30 November to 3 Decem-
ber, and has been QRV again since 14 December. A pirate station - "whose
signal", according to the Hellenic Radio Amateur Team, "comes from a specif-
ic geographical area of Greece" - has been on the air too, causing much con-
fusion. The genuine SV2RSG/A is now posting the log to Club Log every two
hours: check https://clublog.org/logsearch/SV2RSG/A if you suspect you have
worked a pirate. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or direct to SV1RP.
ギリシャアマチュア無線チーム(the Hellenic Radio Amateur Team)によると
本物のSV2RSG/Aの交信は2時間おきにClub Logにアップされているので、
もしパイレートが疑われる場合はClub Logをチェックしてほしい。
SV2RSG/A ---> Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG/A was active from 30 November to 3 Decem-
ber, and has been QRV again since 14 December. A pirate station - "whose
signal", according to the Hellenic Radio Amateur Team, "comes from a specif-
ic geographical area of Greece" - has been on the air too, causing much con-
fusion. The genuine SV2RSG/A is now posting the log to Club Log every two
hours: check https://clublog.org/logsearch/
worked a pirate. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or direct to SV1RP.
ギリシャアマチュア無線チーム(the Hellenic Radio Amateur Team)によると
本物のSV2RSG/Aの交信は2時間おきにClub Logにアップされているので、
もしパイレートが疑われる場合はClub Logをチェックしてほしい。