A5A: Bhutan
- Zorro JH1AJT, Jin JF1IST and Champ E21EICwill be active again as
A5A from Bhutan on 14-18March. Activity will be on 160-6 metres
CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. QSL viaJH1AJT; logsearch and OQRS on Club
- TY7C is the callsign issued to the 7-18 March DXpedition to Benin
[425DXN 1393] A multi-nationalteam will be active from Ouidah with
four stations on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and digital modes (FT8
included). QSL via Club Log'sOQRS and LoTW, or via F5GSJ (direct
or bureau). Bookmark https://ty2018dx.wordpress.com/for updates.
- The Tifariti Gangwill be active as TN5R from Congo on 9-19 March.
Plans are for eleven operators(EA1SA, EA5KM, EA5RM, EA7AJR, EA7KW,
F8ATS, F9IE, HK6F, IK5RUN,IN3ZNR and JH4RHF) to be QRV on 160-10
metres SSB, CW and RTTY with atleast four stations. QSL via EA5RM;
see http://www.dxfriends.com/tn5r for logsearch, OQRS and more
- YL1ZF, YL2GM and YL2KL were not able to fly to Annobon on 6 March
, and remained active as 3C3W from Luba on Bioko
Island (AF-010), EquatorialGuinea until 6 UTC on 9 March (30,323
QSOs). Tickets wer bought to Annobon for 10 March, with return
flight on the 24th. Whenthere, they will be signing 3C0W. Please
note that contactsmade with 3C0W on 2 March around 0040Z-0140Z
(7019 kHz) and on 3 March around 1220Z-1320Z (21029 kHz) were
actually made with3C3W. The confusion originated from a "wrong
CW macro". Bookmark http://www.lral.lv/3c0w_3c3w/index.html for
updates. QSL via Club Log's OQRS(direct or bureau), or via YL2GN.
- TJ3TT is thecallsign issued to the Italian DXpedition Team for
their forthcoming expeditionto Cameroon [425DXN 1396]. The dates
are 15-29 March. Six operators (I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIA,
IK2HKT and JA3USA) will beQRV on 160-10 metres CW and SSB with
three stations; RTTY will beused on 20 metres only. QSL via I2YSB
and eventually LoTW. More information, including a band & mode
survey, real-time logsearch andOQRS for direct cards, can be found
at http://www.i2ysb.com/idt/.Updates will be posted to a dedicated
XF4 - According to the updated qrz.com entry, XE1B nowexpects to be
active as 4B4B fromSocorro Island (NA-030), Revillagigedo [425DXN
1389] for the entire month ofMarch. He departed the Mexican Navy
Base at Manzanillo on 1March, and expects to be QRV starting on 3
March. He will operate SSB on160-6 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS