till 01/02 HI1UD:Isla Beata (NA-122) 1326
till 01/02 J79WW,J79WWW and J79USA: Dominica (NA-101) 1342
till 02/02 TU5MH:Cote d'Ivoire 1334
till 03/02 J79WTA: Dominica (NA-101) 1333
till 04/02 5R8IC:Sainte-Marie Island (AF-090) 1331
till 04/02 VP8CLEand VP8DKW: Falkland Islands (SA-002) 1340
till 06/02 E51AMF: Manihiki (OC-014), North Cooks 1339
till 06/02 V31RF:Belize 1340
till 09/02 HC1MDand HC1MD/HC2: Ecuador 1342
till 11/02 8Q7AZ:Maldives (AS-013) 1337
till 23/02 ZF9CW:the Cayman Islands (NA-016) 1339
till 28/02 TZ5XR:Mali 1317
till 05/03 6W2SC(Senegal) and J5UAP (Guinea-Bissau) 1335
till 09/03 FG/F6ITD and TO7D: Guadeloupe (NA-102) 1337
till 15/03 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1333
till 17/03 J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101) 1333
till 31/03 OA0MP:Machu Picchu Base, South Shetlands (AN-010) 1340
till March C91PA:Mozambique 1318
till 20/01 2018 8J1RL and 8J60JARE:Ongul Island (AN-015), Antarctica 1335
till 30/04 2018 ZS8Z: Marion Island(AF-021) 1337
01/02-14/02 TL8TT:Central African Republic 1334
03/02-08/02 PY0F/PP1CZ:Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) 1343
06/02-18/02 V5/DD8ZX,V5/DJ9KM, V55V: Namibia 1343
07/02-21/02 C6AKQ,C6ARU, C6AUM: Great Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas 1343
08/02-18/02 E51ADD:Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks 1340
09/02-14/02 V31VP:Belize 1342
10/02-17/02 KG4DY:Guantanamo Bay 1343
10/02-24/02 KG4WV andKG4AW: Guantanamo Bay 1343
11/02-15/05 OX90EDR:special callsigns (Greenland) 1339
13/02-26/02 XX9D:Coloane (AS-075), Macau 1337
13/02-29/03 5J0NA: SanAndres Island (NA-033) 1341
15/02-21/02 V31JZ/p:South Water Caye (NA-180) 1343
16/02-05/03 VP6EU: PitcairnIsland (OC-044) 1326
17/02-24/02 KG4ZK:Guantanamo Bay 1343
20/02-03/03 TX5T:Raivavae (OC-114), Austral Islands 1342
February 6W7SS:Senegal 1339
February E51DWC: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands 1338
February JW2US:Hopen Island (EU-063), Svalbard 1339