425DX Newsでマルペロ島DXペディションのニュースを見つけた。
下宿の木造2階建ての屋根の上に、2mぐらいの小さなルーフタワーを載せて、それにスイスクワッドを上げていた。21MHzモノバンドのクワッドだが、1辺はだいたい4m。つまり、4m四方の大きな団扇が屋根に載っているような感じだった。そんなアンテナでも、ローカル局の4エレ八木(CY-154とか218A, 214A)と同じぐらいは飛んでいたように記憶している。
4 2 5 DX NEW S 16 April 2011
HK0 - The DX Colombia Amateur Radio Club is organizing a DXpedition to
Malpelo Island for 2012. The plan is for a multi-national team of
12 operators to be active as HK0NA on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and
RTTY, with at least three stations. The website for the expedition
is at http://hk0na.wordpress.com/
Malpelo Island for 2012. The plan is for a multi-national team of
12 operators to be active as HK0NA on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and
RTTY, with at least three stations. The website for the expedition
is at http://hk0na.wordpress.com/
DX NEWSにあったサイトから引用。
DXARC Dxcolombia Amateur Radio Club HK1NA wants to announce his next expedition to Malpelo Island 2012 HK0NA. all efforts have been made by the Colombian group ahead of Team leader Jorge Prieto HK1R.
The big idea of this Ham Radio DXpedition is place on the air the Island in all bands and modes allowed
The big idea of this Ham Radio DXpedition is place on the air the Island in all bands and modes allowed
by Colombian laws for this purpose.
The group of operators will be integrated by 4 Foreing and 8 Colombians.
Our Expedidicion funds comes from the Group until their culmination.
The economic international cooperation also will be great help in this project.
Since now we expect large participation of all enthusiast Dxers all over the world.
Many thanks and See you in the Pile up
The group of operators will be integrated by 4 Foreing and 8 Colombians.
Our Expedidicion funds comes from the Group until their culmination.
The economic international cooperation also will be great help in this project.
Since now we expect large participation of all enthusiast Dxers all over the world.
Many thanks and See you in the Pile up
Web Master HK1X