尖閣沖衝突事件について、The Japan Times Weekly September 18, 2010に記事が載っている。
The Japan Coast Guard on Sept. 8 arrested the captain of a Chinese fishing vessel after his ship hit two
Japan Coast Guard patrol boats Sept. 7 inside Japanese territorial waters near the disputed Senkaku
Islands in the East China Sea.
Because the ship was inside territorial waters, the Japanese Foreign Ministry on Sept. 7 lodged a protest
with Chinese Ambassador to Japan Cheng Yonghua by phone. The Chinese Foreign Ministry, in turn,
summoned Japanese Ambassador to China Uichiro Niwa on Sept. 8 to lodge a protest.
China and Taiwan started sovereignty claims over the Senkaku Islands only when the existence of offshore resources, including oil, was confirmed around 1970. China calls them the Diaoyu Islands and Taiwan, the Tiaoyutai Islands.
But it is historically clear that the islands belong to Japan. In 1895, the Japanese government declared the
islands to be part of Okinawa Prefecture. Japanese nationals built a wharf and a factory to process dried
bonito on the islands, which are no longer inhabited.
KNW:鰹節(dried bonito)工場があったとは知らなかった。
Before the offshore resources came to light, China's maps and the Chinese government recognized the
Senkaku Islands as part of the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa Prefecture). In 1992, China enacted a territorial
waters law that said the Diaoyu Islands are part of China.