毎週日曜日の夕方、ニュージーランド(ウェリントン)のZL2ALJ トニーさんとCWでスケジュールQSOをしている。CWでQSOを楽しむこととCWの上達、CWによる英語コミュニケーション能力の向上を目標としている。
,諒?,箸靴討蓮∧垢海┐覿匹鮗 晃討鵑撚鵑襦▲灰鵐謄好箸忙臆辰垢襦⊆らCQを出す、などの方法が考えられる。
スケジュールQSOの相手が、すぐには見つからないと思うが、そんな場合は、積極的に2nd, 3rd QSOをして、少しずつQSOの内容を増やしていくことだろう。
DX局でも、CWにアクティブなVQ9LAラリーさんなど、パイルアップになっていなければ、CW QSOの相手をしてくれる。
ZL2ALJとのスケジュールは、毎週日曜 17:00JST 14.050MHz
Hello Nobu -
I could just hear you in there but was unable to read you - very very weak - and I guess I was the same with you.
I went to 30m but no signals there until just before 0900 when I worked JD1BIE. He worked several JA stations but i could not copy the JA's.
Last week we had springlike weather and the temp reached 20C
but again we are back to cold southerly rain and 10C this morning.
Band condx have been very poor but some activity on 80m in the evening and over the weekend I worked all VK districts on 80m.
Trust that you and the family keep in good health and enjoying your summer and that the summer rains are over.
Will look again next Sunday usual sked time and hope we can make a QSO again.
73 es Best Wishes to the family. - de Tony.
Hello Tony,
Yesterday I heard your signal on the band, but, yes, it was very very weak.
I thought it was you because the frequency was 14.050MHz, but it had not been on that frequency, I could not have recognized that you were calling me.
I also went to 30m. I called you around 10.115MHz below the frequency of JD1BIE(Ogasawara, Iwo Is.), I think.
But the band conditions were just poor.
I called you many times and got no reply. While I was calling you, one JA8 station called me but even his signal was not strong.
Just before I moved to 30m, I tried to listened to the FISTS net on 14.054MHz, but I could not hear any signals.
I found the band condx was so poor that even the signals from VK did not reach Japan.
However, this is the HF band and Ham Radio.
We are not using the Internet so I don't mind if I cannot hear your signal.
I will try to find you around sked time, so please don't mind if you cannot find me and if you cannot come up on the band when you are busy.
I think we can have QSO more easily when it becomes warmer in New Zealand and it becomes cooler in Japan in autumn.
Last week it rained a lot and that rain fall cased a lot of damage in some parts of Japan.
A few people died and many houses were damaged.
Fortunately, there was no damage near my QTH.
From the end of August to the beginning of October, we have typhoon season in Japan.
I hope you will enjoy the low band DX before it gets warm.
Please take care.
I hope we can see next Sunday.
FB DX 73 de JF3KNW, Nobu
,諒?,箸靴討蓮∧垢海┐覿匹鮗 晃討鵑撚鵑襦▲灰鵐謄好箸忙臆辰垢襦⊆らCQを出す、などの方法が考えられる。
スケジュールQSOの相手が、すぐには見つからないと思うが、そんな場合は、積極的に2nd, 3rd QSOをして、少しずつQSOの内容を増やしていくことだろう。
DX局でも、CWにアクティブなVQ9LAラリーさんなど、パイルアップになっていなければ、CW QSOの相手をしてくれる。
ZL2ALJとのスケジュールは、毎週日曜 17:00JST 14.050MHz
Hello Nobu -
I could just hear you in there but was unable to read you - very very weak - and I guess I was the same with you.
I went to 30m but no signals there until just before 0900 when I worked JD1BIE. He worked several JA stations but i could not copy the JA's.
Last week we had springlike weather and the temp reached 20C
but again we are back to cold southerly rain and 10C this morning.
Band condx have been very poor but some activity on 80m in the evening and over the weekend I worked all VK districts on 80m.
Trust that you and the family keep in good health and enjoying your summer and that the summer rains are over.
Will look again next Sunday usual sked time and hope we can make a QSO again.
73 es Best Wishes to the family. - de Tony.
Hello Tony,
Yesterday I heard your signal on the band, but, yes, it was very very weak.
I thought it was you because the frequency was 14.050MHz, but it had not been on that frequency, I could not have recognized that you were calling me.
I also went to 30m. I called you around 10.115MHz below the frequency of JD1BIE(Ogasawara, Iwo Is.), I think.
But the band conditions were just poor.
I called you many times and got no reply. While I was calling you, one JA8 station called me but even his signal was not strong.
Just before I moved to 30m, I tried to listened to the FISTS net on 14.054MHz, but I could not hear any signals.
I found the band condx was so poor that even the signals from VK did not reach Japan.
However, this is the HF band and Ham Radio.
We are not using the Internet so I don't mind if I cannot hear your signal.
I will try to find you around sked time, so please don't mind if you cannot find me and if you cannot come up on the band when you are busy.
I think we can have QSO more easily when it becomes warmer in New Zealand and it becomes cooler in Japan in autumn.
Last week it rained a lot and that rain fall cased a lot of damage in some parts of Japan.
A few people died and many houses were damaged.
Fortunately, there was no damage near my QTH.
From the end of August to the beginning of October, we have typhoon season in Japan.
I hope you will enjoy the low band DX before it gets warm.
Please take care.
I hope we can see next Sunday.
FB DX 73 de JF3KNW, Nobu